Purple Ribbon Socks for Epilepsy
Purple Ribbon Socks for Epilepsy Awareness
November is Epilepsy awareness month in the USA. $5.00 from the sale of each Purple Ribbon Socks will be donated to help those families living with Epilepsy.
What Is National Epilepsy Awareness Month (NEAM)?
Since 1969, the Epilepsy Foundation has recognized November as Epilepsy Awareness Month in the USA. Although 3.4 million people and their families are affected by epilepsy in the United States, much is still misunderstood about this brain disorder. People with epilepsy and seizures experience multiple daily challenges, such mood changes, sleep, thinking and memory issues, social and financial concerns. Judgement, and lack of information about the condition can also create more obstacles for members of the epilepsy community.
November is an entire month dedicated to uplifting individuals living with the epilepsies and educating the public on what it means to experience seizures.
To help those and their families living with Epilepsy, $5.00 from the sale of the Purple Ribbon socks will be donated to them.
Pictures courtesy of Epilepsy South Central Ontario/Sunny Days Camp